There is lot of controversy surrounding Woody Harrelson’s monologue on Saturday Night Live recently. Well, in this video, I prove the truth about Woody Harrelson, and encourage everybody to learn the facts before they go spouting off with conspiracy theories, or rhetoric. Learn the truth here:
The truth about Woody Harrelson! Don’t be tricked!
By David Cheyne - Admin|2023-02-27T11:17:08-08:0027 February 2023|AwakeCanada Original, David Cheyne Videos, Exposing Corruption, Videos|15 Comments
About the Author: David Cheyne - Admin
I am an extremely concerned citizen about the direction our politicians wish to take us, UNLAWFULLY, against our wishes. The evidence, lying and censoring the truth about covid 19 is at an all time high.
I am not a doctor, or scientist. Nor do I need to be. There is massive censorship of these professionals funded by big pharma to silence them from exposing the truth. On this site, I have documented their videos, along with lawyers all over the world. There are multiple law suits in Canada against the Federal and Provincial governments for their actions regarding Covid 19. The cases and lawyers are well documented on this site, and you can find them under the Awake Resources tab.
The research is accumulated through thousands of our members, some of which are police, doctors, chiropractors, immunologists, and harvard educated people. We are not anti-vaxxers, nor conspiracy theorists. We are citizens that are determined to expose the truth. The mainstream media on this planet is owned by 6 large companies. The rest are subsidiaries, and all of them are being given directives to suppress anything against the narrative of lockdowns, and vaccines. There is a political agenda in play here, and our governments have turned against their people.
They are using software, and mail in ballots to keep their political figures in office to complete this agenda. We are all being played on a massive level, and by investigating the material on this site and thousands of other sites that popped up trying to share the truth with you, our goal is simply this.
To save our Country from totalitarianism and to save our citizens from medical tyranny from corrupt organizations such as the WHO, and the CDC. These companies are now just vaccine companies owned by the medical cartel we are all falling victim too. This is a wake up call to humanity, our police, military, and citizens to take back our country and expose the criminals, and to hold them accountable in trials for war crimes against humanity.
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I don’t see how Woody is benefiting the nefarious forces with his monologues et cetera. He doesn’t strike me as controlled opposition. I can’t say with full certainty what motivates him but my overall impression is that he is a force for good.
Seems like the buzz word is controlled opposition, anytime someone says stuff that could red pill millions. It pisses me off really. If you don’t have rock solid evidence, don’t say it. It just divides the freedom movement, and likely that is what is happening. People infiltrate and try to divide from the inside.
I have just been permanently banned fro Fake Book for posting Tucker Carlson & Karen Kingston Interview yesterday. This is World Dictatorship Censorship. Is there a Class Action Lawsuit against FB Censorship?
I am trying to find a lawyer, but no such luck thus far.
This was a great video David and I’m super excited about the You putting your platform on Roku that’s epic. You make so much sense and your correct Don’t go to far down the rabbit holes there dark and always lead us in a different directions.
Where can I buy a T shirt like your wearing?
I designed in on VistaPrint, and bought a bunch of promos for my friends, but they have templates on vista print, so you can design and by your own freedom shirts. There is no money in it for me, so the work just sucks up my time trying to deal with merch for customers.
David, excellent video about being critical thinkers but not going overboard as that can lead us down many worthless rabbit holes and waste our precious time. Time is short so let’s focus on the important things in life: pursuit of faith, freedom, peace, good living, happiness, etc. So taking “flat earth” theory as an extreme example, does spending time on pursuing research into this subject produce anything good that I mentioned? Probably not. Could I be wrong? Of course, but on the face of it it’s probably not a worthwhile pursuit so I don’t bother wasting time looking into it, as there are far more important things to be concerned about. This also goes for other “conspiracy theories” such as “fake moon landings”, UFO’s, etc. Those theories could be absolutely right (I’m open minded) but pursuing them won’t make my life better or anyone else’s, so I don’t waste my time on it. How about another conspiracy theories, such as the 9-11 Twin tower bombing being an inside job or that the covid shots are bio-weapons? Well, these are worth pursing because my ignorance of them has real consequences on me, my family, and the world. For the first example, the World Trade Center bombing was a pretext for destroying many middle eastern countries for years to come, so there are real consequences for the world, and knowing the truth about it and spreading it to as many citizens as possible could have generated enough pressure on the western governments to stop them from having started those wars. For the latter example, knowing that the covid shot is a bioweapon designed by western government to destroy the world’s population helps me to prepare to fight against it, warn others from taking to save their lives, etc.
Anyway, great job doing what you’re doing. I appreciate your work.
My sentiments exactly!
Always great to hear you ‘talk the way you do’ lol
Thanks, David….Appreciate you!!!
I will be reaching out to him very shortly to put his solutions on our Roku TV Channel.
I learned years ago that Woody Harrelson’s Dad was CIA and the Woody was one of the youngest CIA members ever. I think that they are trying to wake everyone up so we will rebel. Then they can use marshal law.
Have you researched flat earth? No one wants to admit to being a flat earther but once you see the proof, there is no denying it. The Founded Earth Brothers (FEB) have the best videos and Flat Out Truth is also amazing.
thanks so much- and i’m with you on this whole thing- you did a great job of showing woody at his best-
why i think he was brilliant in the snl piece: he equated the vaxx creeps with the lockdowns- one and the same,
he promoted his show- his new movie- so viewers knew he had done something in the world- they couldn’t
bury him and the upcoming film- he equated vaxx with drug dealing- which is exactly what pharma is-
my question- if you could have done better to get the message out- say what you would have done and
not been yanked off stage- the criticisms are ridiculous- so all you armchair activists doing nothing in the
real world- just spell out exactly what you would have said and done had you been in his shoes- so far….. crickets!
Thanks for this video David. I appreciate your candor. The hand position Woody takes is also a yoga ‘mudra’ (hand position) called uttarabodhi mudra often used by yoga teachers before giving a talk or teaching a class. It can help you relax and also gives inspiration. It is well known that Woody Harrelson has been a long time yoga practitioner.
In solidarity,
I showed someone that video of woody on SNL and they sent me this video and I seen it say the truth about woody and I was like OK I gotta go watch this and I really hope they aren’t going to talk down on woody because I’ve known in my heart for decades that woody is a good human being and has nothing to do with the pedo Hollywood elites so I started to watch the video and realized you were on woodys side so I was relieved that I didn’t have to become a keyboard warrior and show my karate chopping skills I’m also glad you pointed out that hand gesture is not always illuminati like everyone online who sees that and starts spreading the conspiracy that woody is illuminati I could just picture woody getting an invite to one of those creepy Hollywood parties eyes wide shut type party and woody would be like oh hell no no thanks I’m good and then from there on he just stays clear of those parties and those people same with Jim Carrey and Robert Dinero they aren’t apart of that Hollywood pedo club people are trying to say Jim Carrey was on the list of people who were on the Jeffrey epstein flight log but I dont believe it unless it was before everyone knew what Jeffery was all about then maybe Jim got invited to a party on the island with dozens of other celebrities and so he went but guaranteed if he seen anything creepy going on he would be out of there I know this is off topic but while sticking up for woody I felt the need to stick up for Jim too because he’s getting smeared all over the internet that he’s into that epstein shit and I don’t believe it for a second oh and last thing “The Earth Is Flat” it is not a round ball spinning at 1000 mph in one spot in space being held in place by the moon but why do they want us to believe it is so badly? Well it’s not just one simple answer its a bunch of reasons