5 things Canadians can do to REVERSE all Mandates!
In this video I discuss 5 very effective methods of [...]
Clinical trials – The human population as guineau pigs
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How they gained compliance
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Big Pharma Corruption – How it works!
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Dangling Carrots – It never ends without you saying no.
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How the media is manipulating the way you think.
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False Flags, what are they?
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Dr. Fauci biggest serial killer of all time?
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Why does Japan have the lowest rates of childhood disease?
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Masks don’t work. They are meant for surgical settings.
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The world is not overpopulated – Not even close.
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Paradigm Shift – Be Ready!
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The real agenda behind BLM – Its not about racial equality.
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Local and Federal elections, across the world are rigged.
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Follow the money – It never lies.
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Gun control to take away your ability to defend against tyranny.
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Vaccine passports are illegal, unconstitutional, and a violation of human rights.
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PCR tests are banned on December 31, 2020
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The truth about factcheckers and Censorship!
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Government Control – An agenda playing out.
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Conformity test – Crowd Hypnosis at its best.
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Crowd Pscychology – How they duped you!
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Indoor plumbing was the cure, not vaccines. We have been lied too for a long time.
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Problem, Reaction, Solution – Heglian Dialect
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Stay strong and positive. Hold the line. House of cards is falling.
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