Dr Trozzi on cell phones, EMF, 5G, molecular oxygen, and the simultaneous launch of covid-19 and 5G during “lockdowns” – 5 Minutes.

On July 12th, while speaking in Apsley Ontario, I was asked to comment on cell phones, WiFi,  EMF radiation, 5G, and possible connections with covid-19. Here is my 5 minute answer. I concisely described the pre-5G proven dangers and recklessness of cell phones; the increased dangers 5G poses including the scary interaction of 60 GHz 5G with our most vital nutrient: molecular oxygen. I also discussed suspicions about the timing of the 5G roll-out during 2020 lock-downs; and easy solutions that you can apply immediately at no cost that dramatically reduce your exposure and risk.

Dr Trozzi on cell Phones, EMF, 5G, molecular oxygen, and the simultaneous launch of covid-19 and 5G during “lockdowns”

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Other clips from this July 12th, 2023 event in Apsley Ontario

The post Dr Trozzi | EMF, cell phones, 5G, Danger and Solutions first appeared on Dr Mark Trozzi.

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