Just another one of the hundreds of thousands of doctors speaking out against Covid, that you will never see in the Media.
Key takeaways:
- It is insanity to wear a mask outside, and to have mask mandates.
- Sufficient Vitamin D will wipe this out.
- Sun is the biggest supplier of Vitamin D.
- International World Wide Vitamin D deficiency.
- We don’t need experimental gene therapies.
- These things they are calling vaccines are not.
- There is blood on the hands of the politicians running this scam, and suppressing treatments.
Trudeau has deals with 2 different companies in Canada that have effective treatments that are sitting in warehouses collecting dust. Trudeau is directly responsible for a vast majority of the deaths that have occurred in Canada by not allowing these treatments to be administered. Plus the suicides, mental illness, and drug overdoses. Justin Trudeau is a war criminal that has committed genocide on Canadian citizens, and continues to do so by promoting experimental gene therapies on an unsuspecting public. Every politician that endorses or pushes these experimental gene therapies, is also a war criminal that the public will hold accountable in Nuremburg 2.0 trials.
I am an extremely concerned citizen about the direction our politicians wish to take us, UNLAWFULLY, against our wishes. The evidence, lying and censoring the truth about covid 19 is at an all time high. I am not a doctor, or scientist. Nor do I need to be. There is massive censorship of these professionals funded by big pharma to silence them from exposing the truth. On this site, I have documented their videos, along with lawyers all over the world. There are multiple law suits in Canada against the Federal and Provincial governments for their actions regarding Covid 19. The cases and lawyers are well documented on this site, and you can find them under the Awake Resources tab. The research is accumulated through thousands of our members, some of which are police, doctors, chiropractors, immunologists, and harvard educated people. We are not anti-vaxxers, nor conspiracy theorists. We are citizens that are determined to expose the truth. The mainstream media on this planet is owned by 6 large companies. The rest are subsidiaries, and all of them are being given directives to suppress anything against the narrative of lockdowns, and vaccines. There is a political agenda in play here, and our governments have turned against their people. They are using software, and mail in ballots to keep their political figures in office to complete this agenda. We are all being played on a massive level, and by investigating the material on this site and thousands of other sites that popped up trying to share the truth with you, our goal is simply this. To save our Country from totalitarianism and to save our citizens from medical tyranny from corrupt organizations such as the WHO, and the CDC. These companies are now just vaccine companies owned by the medical cartel we are all falling victim too. This is a wake up call to humanity, our police, military, and citizens to take back our country and expose the criminals, and to hold them accountable in trials for war crimes against humanity. WE WILL WIN PEOPLE! STAY STRONG. STAY FOCUSED. NEVER STOP SPREADING THE TRUTH. THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!!
Well presented video. Should be on YouTube…
This is ridiculous misinformation. Our government didn’t handle the situation well, but calling them war criminals is just silly.
A doctor with a different opinion than the mainstream media is not misinformation. What world are you living in. In the real world it is called a second opinion, and he backs his opinion up with science.
Vitamin D does not solve everything. I had covid and was taking supplements for months before I got it. I was severely ill and have lung damage that I’m trying to rehab. Your advice is not only wrong, it’s dangerous.
Well Peter, I see you have not signed up on our site, so we have no information on what you say as true. Dr. Ryan Cole put his face into a video making his observations known with his credentials. You are hiding behind an email address, with no data on your age, your weight, or your previous medical condition. So if you are telling the truth, how about telling us these other things. We are not saying the virus does not exist. We are arguing that blanket policies on healthy people to wear masks, and to close businesses is not the approach. If you are afraid, or immune compromised, and you are an adult, it is up to you to risk this. I am not, and do not wish to be treated like a child being told when, where, and how I can move around freely.
Hi Peter, I’ve suffered from chronic lung disease before and have always received this warning from my docter: don’t cough a lot. Excessive coughing can easily damage the tissue of the lungs- because it’s so tender and thin; almost like tissue paper.
Were you coughing a lot?
Thank you for the information..
peter johnson is a politician… a soldier for the misinformation crowd…… keep it up peter..make sure you cash your cheque from soros before he goes to jail
Absolutley a breathe of fresh air. What the F is Canada thinking. I’ve always believed that modern medicine can save my life, but never ever was it supposed to be used to maintain my health. That’s my responsibility!! Oh and Peter you can go fuck off and crawl back under your misinformation rock with the Justin!
Thank u for the info,
I am not a doctor, only human being, I am healthy person, I have a common sense, I am against this vaccine what government is pushing on us, and I am very worried and sad about friends and family who is brainwashed to get the vaccine.
Why should healthy person get this vaccine, why should healthy person wear mask? When I am sick I stay home.
Excellent information; Thank you!