Dr Tess Lawrie and Dr Mark Trozzi with Laura Lynn Tyler Thomspon discuss how the WCH is delivering solutions that empower our health, restore our rights, and reclaim our sovereignty.

Mankind is under attack. Forced toxic genetic injections with concealed ingredients, digital surveillance, 5G, central bank digital currency, and power grabs in the name of “health” are all being employed to enslave all men, women, and children. Dr Tess Lawrie and I are part of the leadership of the World Council For Health. We are studying the problems and delivering solutions. Here is a great discussion: Dr Lawrie and I joined Canada’s beloved Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson to share analysis and solutions to the great challenges currently facing mankind. There is a better way!

Dr Trozzi’s message to Doctors and Nurses; “don’t fall for the divide and conquer, you were lied to and assaulted”

Dr Tess Lawrie and Dr Mark Trozzi with Laura Lynn Tyler Thomspon. The WCH mission to deliver solutions that empower our health, restore our rights, and reclaim our sovereignty.


Referenced and Related Material:

Your World Council For Health Is Countering The Globalist Power Grab – Here’s How! by Dr Tess Lawrie

Dangerous Concealed DNA in Covid “Vaccines”:

Dr Trozzi’s brief WCH Urgent Expert Hearing on Reports of DNA Contamination in mRNA Vaccines; plus more resources, and free sign up for updates. This is unequivocal evidence that crimes have been committed, the shots must be halted, crimes must be prosecuted, and all victims must be aided and compensated.

Join The Great Free-Set: an opportunity to set ourselves free by truly knowing the freedom and rights that come with being human. Small steps to re-take big freedoms.  

The post WCH Solutions for health, human rights, and sovereignty first appeared on Dr Mark Trozzi.

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