Thank you for your joining the fight!

The best thing you can do to help us win this fight is to share the vetted content from our website to your social media networks.  The buttons below will lead you to specific content that you may want to share.  Do not hold back.  Share often, and share everyday.  This is the one greatest thing you can do to help us prove the fraud that our government is perpetraiting.

Doctors Videos
Lawyers Videos
Emergency Act Hearings
World Court Proceedings
Climate Change Fraud
Politicians Contact Information
Useful Documentation
Section 83.1 Criminal Code of Canada
Awake Canada Blog

Finally, this website is hosted on a dedicated server, with lots of custom software, and subscription services that cost us 2000.00 Per month.  Any donations above 2000 per month go towards initiatives like legal fees, banners, offline promotions, events, promotional give away stuff, and more.

So if you are able to give us a one time or monthly recurring donation, this would be of great help for us to continue our work, and help wake up more Canadians!

[give_form id=”16133″]

We have officially been registered as a corporation.  Our legal name is


Incorporation Number:


Business Number

74909 0544 BC0001

All donations are now tax deductible, and will have our business and tax deduction number on the receipt.  Please help us with our injunction against Facebook to stop the censorship and hold Facebook accountable for the past 3 years.