Man-made viruses and bioweapon injections aren’t the only tax funded weapons that global predators use against us.

In January 2021 we published our first video on It was titled: “This is not a vaccine”. Now regarding fires in California, Australia and most recently Maui, it is fair to say: These are not  forest fires.

5 minutes packed with important evidence from Greg Reese

You may want to purchase a blue umbrella after you see this. 

Thanks Greg Reese

Day After “Fire” Footage: 4K Drone Lahaina Mauis Fire

People in a swimming pool in Maui as fires rage all around

Forensic Arborist Presents Extensive Evidence: These Are Not Forest Fires

Tanya Gaw’s Action4Canada interview with a forensic arborist who presents extensive evidence that directed energy weapons are being used against innocent citizens, our homes, and our lands.

Note: I am not suggesting that all the recent arson and government lit fires that have been used to steal land and promote the “climate change” agenda involved directed energy weapons. For instance the recent forest fires in Shushwap were simply lit the old way.

Links and Related Material:

Shushwap BC On Fire. Urgent Help Needed. Locals British Columbians fighting government lit fires in Shushwap; fire departments standing down, police or military obstructing supplies and movement.Canada’s Instant Forest FiresAction4Canada  Greg Reese 

The post Strange Fires in Maui; Sinister Weapons first appeared on Dr Mark Trozzi.

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