An uplifting message regarding Professor Sucharit Bhakdi’s vindication, from Christof Plothe DO and the WCH

On May 23rd, millions of people all over the world directed their attention to a small courtroom in Germany. In it was a man who had dared to question the saga of a so-called vaccine being the solution for a so-called pandemic right from the beginning.

Prof Dr Sucharit Bhakdi has always invited dialogue but science, politics, and the media have refused to engage in an exchange.

He was alleged to have violated German law by downplaying the Holocaust, which in Germany is a crime that can be punished with up to five years in prison. Anyone who has personally encountered Prof Bhakdi knows that his deep love for humanity excludes prejudice, hatred, or moral wrongdoing.

Dear Prof Bhakdi, we thank you for your strength, perseverance, love for the truth, and language of compassion for life in all its forms. Using truth in combination with the language of our hearts is the Better Way forward. The truth will prevail.

Together, let us be the light that guides our destiny.

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The post Prof. Bhakdi’s court ruling will empower the Great Freeset first appeared on Dr Mark Trozzi.

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