Short speeches from each of us at the Life Site News Gala and Medical Heroism Awards in Toronto 2023

Dr Mary O’Connor, Dr Byram Bridle and myself, all shared brief testimonies at the Life Site News 2023 Gala in Toronto. Life Site News Co-founder Steve Jalsevac presented each us with Medical Heroism awards. Dr O’Connor related the shocking mafia style abuse of her by the CPSO as she held the line and protected her patients against deadly misrepresented injections and other violations. Dr Bridle shared stories including protecting his son from solitary confinement, and his experiences sharing scientific truths openly and undergoing extreme persecution from his past colleagues. Dr Bridle also warned about the Canadian government’s current threats to accelerate censorship and persecution of truth tellers. I pursued some laughter and discussed the importance of legitimate journalism while thanking the many real journalists of Life Site News who were present.

I highly recommend following and supporting Life Site News. They are extremely integral,  diligent, truth telling journalists at the front lines of the war to protect human life against a broad global anti-life agenda  

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Life Site News wrote:

Canada’s canceled front-line doctors are true medical heroes for speaking the truth about effective treatments for the COVID-19 virus, and LifeSiteNews was privileged to honor three of these doctors with awards at LifeSiteNews 25th Anniversary Gala in Markham, Ontrario. Medical heroes Dr. Mary O’Connor, Dr. Mark Trozzi, and virologist Dr. Byram Bridle each received Medical Heroism Awards from LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac. Each of these freedom fighters shared stories about their cancellation and how they continue to fight for medical freedom and transparency in the scientific community. Watch now to hear the truth from these medical heroes that the mainstream media does not want you to hear — and see how LifeSiteNews is honoring brave doctors who are telling the truth.

The full Life Site News article is here.

Related Material:

Dr Bridle | Parents guide to Covid-19 “Vaccines” & Children. May 30, 2023. In defence of our children, Viral Immunologist Dr Byram Bridle explains honest covid science in detail.

Dr Byram Bridle Analysis of Pfizer’s 6-Month Trial Update. March 5, 2023. More Harm Than Good

Dr. Mary O’Connor with Iron Will. 77-Year-Old Doctor Threatened with Prison  

Dr. Mary O’Connor is a target of legal action by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 

The post Life Site News | Doctors Mary O’Connor Byram Bridle & Trozzi first appeared on Dr Mark Trozzi.

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