Complicity is how we got into this mess. The government only took your rights away because you so easily forked them over. We are a weak nation, not because of Covid, but because generational comforts. Welcome to the wakeup call we all needed. Now are you still going to continue with your compliance?
Freedom movement – Complicity in Canada.
By David Cheyne - Admin|2022-10-24T09:54:37-07:0014 December 2021|AwakeCanada Original, David Cheyne, David Cheyne Videos, Videos|18 Comments
About the Author: David Cheyne - Admin
I am an extremely concerned citizen about the direction our politicians wish to take us, UNLAWFULLY, against our wishes. The evidence, lying and censoring the truth about covid 19 is at an all time high. I am not a doctor, or scientist. Nor do I need to be. There is massive censorship of these professionals funded by big pharma to silence them from exposing the truth. On this site, I have documented their videos, along with lawyers all over the world. There are multiple law suits in Canada against the Federal and Provincial governments for their actions regarding Covid 19. The cases and lawyers are well documented on this site, and you can find them under the Awake Resources tab. The research is accumulated through thousands of our members, some of which are police, doctors, chiropractors, immunologists, and harvard educated people. We are not anti-vaxxers, nor conspiracy theorists. We are citizens that are determined to expose the truth. The mainstream media on this planet is owned by 6 large companies. The rest are subsidiaries, and all of them are being given directives to suppress anything against the narrative of lockdowns, and vaccines. There is a political agenda in play here, and our governments have turned against their people. They are using software, and mail in ballots to keep their political figures in office to complete this agenda. We are all being played on a massive level, and by investigating the material on this site and thousands of other sites that popped up trying to share the truth with you, our goal is simply this. To save our Country from totalitarianism and to save our citizens from medical tyranny from corrupt organizations such as the WHO, and the CDC. These companies are now just vaccine companies owned by the medical cartel we are all falling victim too. This is a wake up call to humanity, our police, military, and citizens to take back our country and expose the criminals, and to hold them accountable in trials for war crimes against humanity. WE WILL WIN PEOPLE! STAY STRONG. STAY FOCUSED. NEVER STOP SPREADING THE TRUTH. THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!!
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Hi David,
Good to see you back, I’m a 65 yr old male living in Manitoba close to Winnipeg, my wife and I both practice non-compliance on a daily basis. We have lost most of our friends and family because of this government tyranny along with 2yrs of our lives, we won’t stop because we know where this is going. My Uncles fought in WW2 for our freedoms so in their honor, I will not give that up. Thank you for fighting with us, God bless you
I have tried to register with several emails I keep getting an error message. I would love to sign up but the frustration is taking it’s toll
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Hey David, like the video and everything you say!
We need massive non compliance, but we are not there yet.
I see more and more people coming around, the lie is getting exposed.
How much it will take? – hard to say, but I think we will see some good indications in the next 3-4 months.
Cheers, Otto
Yes, there has been a big shift, and there will definitely be a wake up coming, but unfortunately it will come from watching chaos unfold from the vaccinated, boosters, and further tyranny from our government.
Does anyone have any information or videos about the protest outside of thengrey cup in Hamilton? I am not on social media. It was on Sunday the 12th.
Psychologist Explains How Federal Government has manipulated us:
Former British Intelligence Explains how Federal Government has Psychologically
Attacked/Manipulated/controlled/tricked us into obeying:
Thank you, Meredith Miller had excellent information. It is important to understand this aspect of what is happening. We will all need each other.
Here is what we can do: Check out this website
I am in agreement. I get it. I just can’t listen to your bad language. It would be great if you would not be over the top. We are in a dangerous time and I get it and more and more people get it. I’d love to listen but unless you’re willing to have a little more respect can’t do it
Snowflake. Move along then. We need warriors not snowflakes.
I’m a non compliant woman here in Alberta. The paranoia is insane! Nonsensical information from the media is fuelling this insanity. Turn the damned TV/ radio off!
I will not comply and will never comply!
I have also lost most of my so called friends, but have made some fabulous new unvax’d ones whom critically think for themselves on an hourly basis!
My parents survived WW2 in London as kids and my mother whom is 92 says that this is exactly the way it all started then. She refuses to be vax’d. Her words were “ I survived the terror that was Hitler and the Nazis, I will never comply to this tyranny, I will die knowing I was on the right side of history, again”
From Toronto.
Thanks David.
I’m also 65 as the gentleman above and We COMPLY TO NOTHING.
Here in Scarborough we have many many LEMMINGS living in TOTAL MASS PHYCOSIS.
I actually got into it while paying for fuel last night.
The idiot mask wearing robot pod person buying lottery tickets turned and yelled at me for being less than 6 ft back.
He got right in my face yelling at me as I boxed him out while paying.
I am a huge muscular 6ft 6 260 lb person so this does not happen to me normally but this guy was rough looking dude caring about nothing except shit like WEARING MUZZLES near him.
I didn’t do what would have happened years ago.
Too many cameras.
But ya David we are Brothers because good luck FORCING anything on me and my wife.
I will KILL YOU!!
That includes you cops reading this.
My family moved here from their ARMAGEDDON in Europe 75 years ago to come here to so called FREE CANADA.
When do we ARREST Soy boy etc David?
For you and me not wearing the mask is nothing, but for some people, it is a big thing. It is kind of funny, my own kids will were the mask into the stores. But when they are with me when I go into the stores or banks or whatever. They don’t wear the mask. They just need that extra strength they get from others. You and I are stronger because of our lives, but would you want everyone to go thru what you went thru in your life. I am guessing no. It made you very strong, I know I would not want my kids to go thru what I went thru, and for that matter, I wouldn’t want anyone to go thru what I went thru. Yes, it can make some of us very strong, but it can cause some people to go the other way and crumble.
Talk about noncompliances I drive without insurance licenses and permits and all the other bull shit they beat in your head since you’re a kid. I don’t give a shit what my neighbor does, because that is their business. He was born equal and free, just like all of us are. If they want to get a bullshit vaccination or buy liability insurance should that be their business? But, like you, I will protect the innocent and the stupid. The problem is that people have been programmed all their lives to have other people do their thinking for them. They have to be taught to think for themselves.
I only hope there are more people like yourself to try and wake the sheeple, but you have to remember they are not as strong as you. You were selected by God to do what you do don’t get discouraged by the stupidity of others.
Thank you!
I think we should focus our attention on the RCMP. Force them to either take action, or stand down!
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have failed to serve and protect the Canadian people. They have allowed violations of our civil rights and freedoms, and they have ignored blatant violations of International Law. Since the RCMP have NOT taken the appropriate action against the criminal practices occurring, they have revealed themselves as part of the problem, NOT part of the solution. If they are to remain inactive against this tyranny, then WE, as Canadian citizens, must move to invalidate and revoke any and all authority held by this dysfunctional and possibly criminal organization. They will then be considered enemies of the Canadian public due to their unwillingness to uphold our rights. Our next call to action against the corruption infecting this country is to our Canadian Armed Forces. We must engage them to arrest and remove ANY AND ALL PARTICIPANTS IN THE PANDEMIC NARRATIVE. This will include, but is not limited to: The Prime Minister of Canada along with ALL members of the current cabinet, the RCMP, ALL provincial govt. officials, ALL government agencies and offices, ALL corporations controlled by the current government, ALL corporations manipulating or influencing the current government, the CBC and CTV television & radio networks, ALL TV, radio, or newspaper journalists promoting or participating in the pandemic, ALL Health officials across the country.
The Canadian people demand that the military IMMEDIATELY INITIATE MARTIAL LAW for a specific period so that the guilty participants in this hoax can be identified, arrested, put on trial and guilty participants jailed or EXECUTED for their crimes. Martial law will be acceptable for ONLY up to 14 days and all military personnel must be instructed that their mission is to serve and protect the public in every way possible.
If the military is unwilling to take the action against these criminals, then we must assume that they have also been compromised by the corruption that has swept the globe. We must then consider them “enemies of the people” and must SEIZE all Canadian military bases and arrest and detain all participants, so that a new military force can be formed. Under Common Law, a citizen action force will seize and occupy all govt. offices, health services, & police agencies. Once we have taken control and have established a functional military, we will be able to overthrow this attempted enslavement of our society. It is quite possible that we will need to form a new republic to replace the clearly corrupt and evil system of government we currently have.
So, we now call upon the members of the RCMP and the Canadian Armed Forces to make their choice and act according to that choice. Will you perform your duties? Will you stand with the good people of this nation? Will you stand for freedom and justice? Or will “we the people” be required to eliminate this evil influence by any and all means necessary? Your failure to respond to this call, or continue to ignore this problem, will be considered an act of TREASON and will result in the citizen arrest and detainment of the entire governing body and agencies!
Actions by the citizens of Canada will begin forthwith unless RCMP or Military action has begun.
We offer this closing remark. Anyone who thinks that the Canadian people are unable or unwilling to unite against evil, are in for a very RUDE AWAKENING. UNIFICATION HAS BEGUN! ACTIONS WILL FOLLOW!
PICK YOUR SIDE WISELY! The time for sitting on the fence has passed!
Well said!
I’m hoping for that one hold out province, where is our Florida, our Texas. lets pick a city in a province and I will migrate there tomorrow. . There will be so many like mined people migrate there that the freedom fighters will own that province in the next Provincial election. lets just pick that city
Thanks Kevin