We have to fight smart, united, and organized

Here’s the final installment from the Druthers Dr Trozzi Talks series. I hope this five minutes will inspire, provide direction, and help us connect and coordinate so that each of us can apply our skills to the massive group effort to establish justice and restore our health, the rule of law, and our human rights. We can turn this around, and establish a better world; but its not a given.

Dr. Trozzi Talks part 5: The Call to Action.

Related Material:

Staying United Is Essential To Victory    

Druthers | Dr Trozzi Talks | Part 1 | The Science”. A ten minute clear and concise explanation of essential elements of the science, deception, and bioweapon injections of covid.

Druthers Dr Trozzi Talks | Part 2 | The Psychology. Why did so many doctors go along with it?

Druthers Dr Trozzi Talks Part 3 | Art & Science of Medicine. Druthers interview Dr Trozzi on how progressive deterioration in medical education prepared the medical industry to be used as a weapon against innocent people.

Druthers Dr Trozzi Talks Part 4 | The Reconciliation Coming to terms with the lies, and pivoting before it’s too late.

Fight the WHO. Two Urgent Action Alerts Regarding Sovereignty and Poisoning.

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Druthers provide hundreds of thousands of free newspapers across Canada, that are packed with real information from honest journalists and experts. They circumvent the censors, giving Canadians a chance to see and read honest important information. Druthers is a grassroots organization doing great things. Please help promote and support Druthers. You can volunteer and join the Druthers team and help get the truth into more good people’s hands. Druthers seeks subscribers, volunteers to help distribute, content writers, and donors.

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The post Druthers & Dr Trozzi | Part 5 | Taking action first appeared on Dr Mark Trozzi.

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