Dr James Thorp and Dr Sam Dube expose the fraud and bribes behind the extreme violation of pregnant women, unborn children, and everyone.

Billions of dollars of innocent citizens’ taxes were used to deceive and coerce them into being injected with the most deadly medical product in history. Medical regulators and other institutions twisted the arms of doctors and nurses into committing fraud, assault, and murder. Those of us who refuse to cooperate and instead stand against this, have been targeted by corrupted medical colleges who are accomplices to these crimes. While we have had our licenses stripped, our people have been denied access to honest doctors and nurses who would protect them and advise them truthfully. Ten of millions of people have died as a direct result of the injections alone. Many more have been injured. As with traditional wars, the most grotesque violence is against pregnant women. Violating and harming pregnant women is truly from the bottom of the evil swamp.

Dr James Thorp is one of the world’s most qualified and experienced high risk pregnancy experts in the world. He is a kind, calm, and highly intelligent man; but now he is righteously angry, as we should all be. Speaking with Canada’s Dr Sam Dube MD PhD, Dr Thorp details the 13 billion dollar bribery that brought medical colleges into lockstep; they orchestrated these violent crimes against humanity. Dr Thorp’s appropriate anger is palpable as he relates horrors caused by the injections, including a female child born to a woman injected during pregnancy; the infant herself had serious vaginal bleeding at birth. Many more died. Please don’t miss this interview that should prepare us all to go en-masse and arrest ring leaders of the covid-crimes-against-humanity.

The 5th Doctor – Ep. 24: “ALL MEN DIE. BUT NOT ALL MEN LIVE & DIE FOR THE TRUTH” – Dr. James Thorp

It is time for us to rise up and neutralize ring leaders in the covid crimes against humanity. We did not start this war, but we can not deny that we are in it. Enemies of the people have infiltrated our institutions and weaponized them against us. We have already suffered unprecedented casualties; and are long over due to fight back. They will not stop; we must stop them. We have lawful rights and duties.


Dr James Thorp project: My Cycle Story On Twitter: @MyCycleStory

More Dr Sam Dube and The Fifth Doctor     

How to Detoxify from the Covid “Vaccines” 

FDA Dr Rubin admits to unknown safety of experimental jabs. January 23, 2022. 10-26-2021 FDA approved injecting children 5-11 years. Dr Rubin shockingly admits experimentality & unknown safety of “vaccine”, but pushes approval regardless.

Covid shots make Thalidomide look like Flintstone Vitamins. July 27, 2022. Obstetrician, Gynecologist, and Researcher Dr Thorp is sounding the alarm.

Dr Plothe | Covid “Vaccines” Destroying Human Fertility. August 29, 2022. Exceptional factual presentation by Dr Plothe on the Iron Will Report   

Pfizer trials: All injected mothers lost their unborn babies Dr Mark Trozzi. January 19, 2022. Pfizer trial documents reveal attempts to cover up the death of 100% of unborn babies in outcomes actually reported.

In contrast to reality and morality, here is a line up of supposed “pregnancy care providors” from my home province Ontario. Here they are coating their hands with fetal and maternal blood by encouraging pregnant women to get injected.

Dropping Sperm Counts and Poisonous Ejaculate. March 27, 2023. Evidence from autopsies, Pfizer’s documents, and global statistics. Christof Plothe DO, Mark Trozzi MD, and Professor Arne Burkhard MD.  

“Vaccine” shedding in schools | Drs Amerling Thorp & Trozzi. August 14, 2023. Dr Richard Amerling, Dr James Thorp and Dr Mark Trozzi Trozzi discuss “vaccine” shedding, a fast-approaching return to school, and strategies for our children’s survival and well-being.

Similar Covid Crimes and high ranking covid criminals in Canada

The post Dr James Thorp | Exposes Violation of Women & Killing Babies first appeared on Dr Mark Trozzi.

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