Dr Chris Shoemaker is a true living hero. Here’s his intense update about the deadly jabs with Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson, and his call to Ottawa.

Dr Shoemaker packs life saving information and a call to Ottawa in this 24 minutes with Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson.  

Dr Chris Shoemaker at Ottawa


Dr Trozzi Alert | There’s DNA in the RNA Shots. Lots! Criminal Genetic Invasion of Humanity Confirmed   More Dr Chris Shoemaker You can follow Dr Shoemaker on twitter @CShoemakerMD or at his web site.Laura Lynn Tyler Thomspon 1000 peer reviewed articles on “Vaccine” injuries Covid “Vaccines” Detox | Series 1 Million March 4 Children. Why We March. Dr. Chris Milburn, Dr. Laura Braden, Dr. Aris Lavranos, and Dr. Mark Trozzi on the sexualization of children and medical procedures on minors.

For more information about the Million March 4 Children October 21, 2023 click here 

The post Dr Chris Shoemaker | Truth and Olive Branches In Ottawa first appeared on Dr Mark Trozzi.

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