Dr Campbell presents a concise analysis of recently released Australian covid-19 “vaccine” adverse events data.

Dr Trozzi “How I tried to stop this ASAP”:

January 2021 This Is Not A Vaccine 

April 2021 Doctors Nurses Ethics & Law. Ethical and financial conflicts faced by doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals in the context of what many consider to be the “Criminal Covid Enterprise”

June 2021 Covid “Vaccines”; How Dangerous are They? A thorough investigation of the science behind the Covid “vaccines” used in the Western World.      

December 2021 Synergistic Bioweapons 

How the CPSO pushed these deadly injections and persecutes anyone who stands in their way 

More about the so-called Covid-19 “vaccines” 

The post Dr Campbell | Australia Data Reveals Covid Injection Carnage first appeared on Dr Mark Trozzi.

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