Devotees of the Covid Cult Kill Grandma (3 minutes); plus tonight invite to long anticipated covid debate

Our understanding of natural immunity verses the covid-19 “vaccine”failure, renders us  justifiably angry, like Dr  Bridle, at  physicians and beaurocrats, who for lack of knowledge, wisdom, or courage, sentenced Sheilla Annette Lewis to death. Here is the three minute clip where Dr Bridle delivered this important explanation and astute accusation.  This is the first clip published from the September 20th  2023 Bright Light News event with both Dr Malones and myself also speaking at the Grand Eglinton Theater in Toronto.

Dr. Byram Bridle Calls Out Physicians Who Destined Unvaxxed Woman to Death

An emotional Dr. Byram Bridle, viral immunologist and vaccinologist, shares details of the death of unvaccinated Sheila Lewis, denied a life-saving transplant despite having proof of natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2.

Full speech coming soon. Follow Bright Light News for the full event coming soon.

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Long Awaited Open Civilized Public Covid Debate Friday October 6th 2023

We have all waited for a civilized conversation and constructive public debate between widely different perspectives and opinions regarding covid-19 and the genetic jabs. Here it is! Tonight! On line from anywhere , or in person in Kitchener, Ontario. Viral Immunologist Dr Byram Bridle and Medical Officer of Health Dr Matt Straus.

Related Links and Material.

The post Dr Byram Bridle Justifiably Angry first appeared on Dr Mark Trozzi.

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