Dr Charles Hoffe 1 minute covid “vacccine” reality. James Roguski’s international support for Ontario’s struggle. Details for attending CPSO/Trozzi spectacle starting today.

The CPSO is weaponized against the people of Ontario and all the good doctors who have served  us ethically and truthfully through the covid era; often at great personal sacrifice.

The CPSO’s agenda denies Ontarians access to trustworthy physicians; rather, it places their lives only in the hands of physicians who will follow orders, process people, and violate human rights, ethics and science, right down to committing assault with coerced misrepresented injections. The WHO is planning 500 new genetic “vaccines” for everone by 2030, so this is a persistently dangerous situation.  

Today is the first day of the CPSO vs Trozzi “hearing”, which is perversely presided over by the CPSO. It starts at 9 a.m. You can receive a link to witness this spectacle by emailing a request for a link to: tribunal@opsdt.ca

We are witnessing an unrepentant CPSO continuing to persecute all good doctors who have protected people by discussing and criticizing the misrepresented forced covid injections.

Here in 1 minute Dr Charles Hoffe shows how right we have been from the start, and how guilty the CPSO continues to be.

Lastly, here is a short Bright Light News interview with Dr Trozzi held the night before these hearings begin.

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The post CPSO v. Trozzi spectacle begins today first appeared on Dr Mark Trozzi.

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