Conservative Bill C-400 will ban CBDC’S.  where are all the freedom fighters on rhis issue?

******crickets chirping*******

Be careful who you follow or listen to.  Do not allow any further Marxism into our Country.  Recognize your actions, do an about face, turn around and be a true freedom fighter

We do not tear down Canada and rebuild.  We tear down the individuals that broke Canadians constitutional laws.

The charter of rights and the Canadian bill of rights were not  followed by our own government.

We do not need an overhaul of the system, We need an overhaul of the people in the system.

A changing of the guard will get rid of 80% of the corruption in one sweep.

And we will not see Justice administered until at least this happens and then probably need more.

But it has to start with getting Justin Trudeau out of power in 2025 or sooner if jughead ever would give up his pension which is not likely to happen.

Learn what Awake Canada is Doing to save our Country!