I have made posts encouraging people to speak out. I said, I poke the bear everyday, and it is scared shitless. Well, yesterday, I really proved my point. On a regular basis, I let the corrupt politicians know not only how I feel, but how Canadians feel. 2 days ago I let Jagmeet Singh and Justin Trudeau know on any uncertain terms what Canadians felt about them.
Then I woke yesterday to ANOTHER 30 day ban on Fakebook, and my first 7 day ban on Twitter.
I guess, insults are the new censorship.
Idiot’s. Why people accept this is beyond my belief. How do we not accept it. First off, by showing them, that censorship will not work. It will not stop the truth. It will not stop us. How do we do that?
Well, if you are on facebook, and you are my friend, please take any of these images below, save them to your phone, or computer, and upload them to facebook, and tag me. I will accept the tag from any, and all people that do it, flooding my timeline (page) with posts when I am banned.
This is where they just don’t understand. The truth is more powerful than any other thing in the world. It cannot be stopped by banning it. It cannot be cancelled. It will keep on resurfacing, over and over again, until they realize they can’t stop it, they have to mitigate it with a counter story. We have witnessed this over and over again in the past few years. And then their counter story gets ripped to shreds by truth seekers, and the cycle continues.
But with each passing day, week, or month, more and more people are waking up due to the persistency of truth and its tellers.
There is an end to this story! It is called, WE WIN!
Keep sharing the truth. Alternatively to downloading the pictures above, you can simply click on the share buttons on this page and share to every social media network you are on.
I hope that life imprisonment and death by injection are not the only ideas we have. There are better ways. If we want to return back to the world before Covid then we will get a new Covid because this world was what lead us to Covid and the governments we have.
Let’s build a better world where every being has a place and where we are aware that punishment works as little as praising. We need full transparency and love. And if we want a transparent society and a world in love then our path cannot be punishment. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not against locking people away if they are a threat to others. But locking people into prison for punishment is not the path to a life of honesty and love. Revanche and hate cannot be the base of love.
What shall we do with Trudeau? First of all, we build a justice system that is 100 % transparent. I don’t say we won’t make mistakes. But the mistakes will become obvious as soon as we know what lead us to a decision that does not work. Then we can change and try something else and learn. Using our new justice system where everyone interested in a case can participate and where all information is freely and easily available and decisions are fully traceable, we will investigate who did what in Covid time and pre-Covid times and find out who is responsible. And there won’t be any punishment and everyone can speak freely and openly without fear of punishment. Everyone can admit what he did or skipped or avoided. So, we all can find out how we contributed to Covid including Trudeau.
For many people, transparency will feel like a punishment. We give them and us the chance to speak out and say and admit what they did and what we did and what their and our motivation was. Trudeau can speak in front of scientists and all people, in courts, universities, and schools where everyone has the chance to understand our history. He will live among us in a normal house and work for his income as we all do. He will look into our eyes knowing that we know. He won’t be able to hide anymore.
Very likely this will feel like the worst punishment for him, he would likely prefer prison over transparency. But over the years of life in a natural environment among common people like you and me, he will understand that he contributed to building a world in light. He might regret what he did, I cannot know that. But maybe, one day, he will find out that he’s a human being as we all are, and will accept himself as he is. And he will be a more valuable member of our society than he would be in prison or dead.
While, I always respect another persons opinion, and strongly advocate for more love in this world, this is way to soft for people that have knowingly committed genocide on their citizens, and making extreme profits off of doing it. Back in the day of the wild, wild, west. If someone was found guilty of heinous crimes, they were hung on the street in front of anyone as an example of what happens to people when they commit these types of crimes. I think on the other side, these people have gotten away with it for so long, and they never pay a price, and that is why companies like Pfizer that gets fines on a regular basis, just end up accepting them as part of their business. They got fined 2.3 Billion for falsifying trial data and bribing officials to push through untested drugs, and yet, they still do it. They do it, because 2.3 billion dollars in fines is nothing compared to the 180 Billion they made off of these “jabs”. But on the other hand, if found guilty, they were put to death, I think many CEO’s would give a second thought about committing these types of crimes, because all the money in the world means nothing if you are dead. Sorry, I strongly disagree with letting Justin Trudeau walk around amongst us guilty of the crimes he has committed. I do agree that we need more love, but there will always be perpetraitors of horrendous crimes, and love it not going to stop that. There is a ying to every yang, and evil to every good. This is just the way the world works. And evil is not an deity. Good and evil lives within each and every one of us, and sometimes the balance of the planet falls wayside, but it can fall to far to either side. If you think the whole world full of love works, you are living in a delusional world. There will always be people that want to control, manipulate, and act as gods on earth.