There are several ways to stop an authoritarian government from eroding your civil liberties. Here are a few suggestions:

Stay informed and educated about your rights and the laws that protect them. This will help you recognize when your rights are being violated and allow you to take action.

Get involved in politics and civic organizations. By participating in the political process and joining organizations that work to protect civil liberties, you can help shape policies and laws that safeguard your rights.

Support independent media and journalism. Independent media outlets and journalists play an important role in holding governments accountable and exposing abuses of power.

Speak out and protest peacefully. If you see your rights being violated, don’t be afraid to speak out and peacefully protest. This can raise awareness and help bring about change.

Use the legal system to protect your rights. If your rights are being violated, you can take legal action to defend them. Seek the help of a lawyer and consider filing a lawsuit.

It’s important to remember that standing up for your rights can be difficult and risky, especially in an authoritarian government. However, by working together and using peaceful means, it is possible to push back against abuses of power and protect your civil liberties.

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