You have been invited to this page to add your Rumble Channel to our Freedom TV App going live on TV’s across North America when we launch in April!


Do you want massive exposure for your freedom fighting rumble channel?

We are building the most robust TV Freedom Fighting Channel for multiple platforms, starting with Roku Televisions.  There are an estimated 80 Million Roku TVS in North America right now, and our launch strategy will see that millions of TV’s will be downloading our channel very quickly.  If you want your Rumble Channel on millions of tvs, submit your information below, and we will let you know if your channel is a approved.

Awake Canada members have visited your Rumble Channel and wants it on this MASSIVE UNITED FREEDOM TV CHANNEL where hundreds of freedom groups are coming together!  Enter your information below and we will review it and if it is a good fit, we will add it to this tv channel and no cost to you, and even show you how to earn money by promoting it when we move into Phase 3 of this launch.