I am an extremely concerned citizen about the direction our politicians wish to take us, UNLAWFULLY, against our wishes. The evidence, lying and censoring the truth about covid 19 is at an all time high.
I am not a doctor, or scientist. Nor do I need to be. There is massive censorship of these professionals funded by big pharma to silence them from exposing the truth. On this site, I have documented their videos, along with lawyers all over the world. There are multiple law suits in Canada against the Federal and Provincial governments for their actions regarding Covid 19. The cases and lawyers are well documented on this site, and you can find them under the Awake Resources tab.
The research is accumulated through thousands of our members, some of which are police, doctors, chiropractors, immunologists, and harvard educated people. We are not anti-vaxxers, nor conspiracy theorists. We are citizens that are determined to expose the truth. The mainstream media on this planet is owned by 6 large companies. The rest are subsidiaries, and all of them are being given directives to suppress anything against the narrative of lockdowns, and vaccines. There is a political agenda in play here, and our governments have turned against their people.
They are using software, and mail in ballots to keep their political figures in office to complete this agenda. We are all being played on a massive level, and by investigating the material on this site and thousands of other sites that popped up trying to share the truth with you, our goal is simply this.
To save our Country from totalitarianism and to save our citizens from medical tyranny from corrupt organizations such as the WHO, and the CDC. These companies are now just vaccine companies owned by the medical cartel we are all falling victim too. This is a wake up call to humanity, our police, military, and citizens to take back our country and expose the criminals, and to hold them accountable in trials for war crimes against humanity.
Great video. Thank you
Take apple cider vinegar to relieve acid reflux.
MASK studies on harm & useless references – very important! I totally agree masks are beyond useless, they’re actually harmful. I came across this great article that lists summaries and links to 47 research studies that say they’re useless, plus another 32 that show they’re harmful to our health. No point in arguing with someone who believes the propaganda, show them the real science. Print, email, share with everyone, include places you work and shop, churches, condos, apartments, doctor’s offices, etc., so that no one will comply the next time around and get a few more people to stop wearing them immediately! https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/47-studies-confirm-inefectiveness-of-masks-for-covid-and-32-more-confirm-their-negative-health-effects/
David Cheyne – I cannot thank you enough for what you are doing!!! My love and admiration. Dr Chris Neveling MD – I told the Medical College 4 years ago to stick their license up their arse, after they betrayed me and my family. We will beat the deep state!
Thank you!
You’re right, I can’t share this because of the swearing but there are plenty of others that can be. 😉
There are many ppl who will have a hard time taking the mask off even if they are fully aware of what is gong on. To those ppl I recommend to start right now with something else that will make you uncomfortable but WON’T give you the judgment you are trying to avoid by complying with mask wearing. I suggest starting out by walking around a grocery store or wherever, backwards. Or wear something absolutely ridiculous out in public. These things will give you the uncomfortable feeling that will allow you to progress to taking off your mask for good!!! Start now so that when mask mandates come back in the fall you will be ready!!
The infiltration of world governments by the NWO and the WEF with them controlling NATO and the UN will be the hardest fight as they wield the power over the world’s most powerful Militaries.
thank you for continuing to speak truth to power. Soon the tides will turn, our survival as a species depends on it.
Does it come as a surprise, while opposition was touring across Canada (Candice) and gaslighting us with reports of nice little visits, our dear troud’eau passed a law that journalists will need a liscence to … well… report news. Journalists will be examined to see if they pass the criterias (of non spreading mis/disinformation), checked if their newsreport is based on science… So basically if you don’t agree with the narrative and HIS science you will be banned. No more alternative news. The outreach goes to Google and Facebook. Fox News reported it on an interview with RebelNews and Tucker was just so appalled.
You must watch Dr. Bryan Ardis and his interview and research of the origins of Covid 19 on rumble.
Its on our website.
Thank you, David , for your objective and researched statements on Ukraine, etc! Fresh air!!!
Dave I love what you are saying but LANGUAGE. Your message is losing it’s validity to our Seniors and Religious People because of the language. I know I had to tone down mine when I got grandchildren. Keep up your wonderful message and all your work. I am spending many hours a day trying to get the message out. Look forward to meeting you at some point.
I agree and stand with everyone I am unvaccinated and will remain that way.