In this video I discuss my thoughts on controlled opposition, further proof of genocide backed up by a doctor in this video revealing stats straight from UK government website, and what we need to focus on next. There is only one thing to focus on. Everything else is a distraction.
Controlled opposition, Genocide, and What’s next.
By David Cheyne - Admin|2022-10-24T09:54:19-07:0029 June 2022|Action Plans, AwakeCanada Original, David Cheyne, David Cheyne Videos, Videos|14 Comments
About the Author: David Cheyne - Admin
I am an extremely concerned citizen about the direction our politicians wish to take us, UNLAWFULLY, against our wishes. The evidence, lying and censoring the truth about covid 19 is at an all time high.
I am not a doctor, or scientist. Nor do I need to be. There is massive censorship of these professionals funded by big pharma to silence them from exposing the truth. On this site, I have documented their videos, along with lawyers all over the world. There are multiple law suits in Canada against the Federal and Provincial governments for their actions regarding Covid 19. The cases and lawyers are well documented on this site, and you can find them under the Awake Resources tab.
The research is accumulated through thousands of our members, some of which are police, doctors, chiropractors, immunologists, and harvard educated people. We are not anti-vaxxers, nor conspiracy theorists. We are citizens that are determined to expose the truth. The mainstream media on this planet is owned by 6 large companies. The rest are subsidiaries, and all of them are being given directives to suppress anything against the narrative of lockdowns, and vaccines. There is a political agenda in play here, and our governments have turned against their people.
They are using software, and mail in ballots to keep their political figures in office to complete this agenda. We are all being played on a massive level, and by investigating the material on this site and thousands of other sites that popped up trying to share the truth with you, our goal is simply this.
To save our Country from totalitarianism and to save our citizens from medical tyranny from corrupt organizations such as the WHO, and the CDC. These companies are now just vaccine companies owned by the medical cartel we are all falling victim too. This is a wake up call to humanity, our police, military, and citizens to take back our country and expose the criminals, and to hold them accountable in trials for war crimes against humanity.
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All these tyrants stepping down is not enough. They should be in jail.
You need to research Q. If you have not been following Q for several years then you can’t know the truth about Q.
We need to help the jabbed learn about things they can do/take to mitigate the effects from the vax, such as Zeolite, NAC, vitamins etc.
SRA IS THE KEY. also mentioned this to REINER FULLMICH AND ADAM SMITH. cause they cannot see why some people are WITHOUT EMPATHY………………and really SRA SEXUAL RITUAL ABUSE is the key. if you know about adrenochrome and the quality determining factor is. than you see the evil. QUALITY OF ADRENOCHROME IS BELIEVED TO BE DEPENDING ON. HOW MORE BAD THE ABUSE IS. AND THE MORE INNOCENT THE CHILD IS. THE BETTER THE QUALITY…………………..if you do not GET THIS………… miss the whole reasoning of this evil.
Creation of a 2 tier; identity system. Through identity theft.
2 tier identity system will be their downfall.
Corporations; do not have jurisdiction or rights over—>>> we the people, with—>> living souls.
We the people; living souls are not the property of any corporation.
We the people have NO “contract” with any corporation.
Deception; upon, we the people. By; corrosive corporate systems.
NOTE; People; are living souls. Under “lawful”, common law, laws of the land.
Person/s; are fictitious corporate strawmen, with “signified” names in all capital letters, under marine “legal” jurisdiction.
NOTE intentional acts: eg. GORDON S, MAC; [all capital letters] this name is/was “[registered] without my consent” by a Government Corporate inanimate entity, at the time of my birth. The government gave, [slave] or family names eg. [ MAC in all capital letters], is/was used by the corporate government, to create an entity, “strawmen,” fictitious “persons”, with “no living soul”.
NOTE; The parental, given name/s eg. GORDON S, in all caps, as printed “on birth certificate documents”, is for [banking, and corporate “contract”], benefit. We the people, “living souls” were/are victims of intentional “identity” trespass at birth, simply by, corporate governance name registration, using all [capital letters], portraying, and creating false person/s, birth name/s. Strawmen were cast/forced into a “slave contract”, with no physical identity, “inanimate”. Hence; the intrusion of the corporate marine, “legal” system, the “bar”, to “protect” the contractors, in the corporate system/s, from, we the people.
For monetary/controls/reasons/purposes; the corporate bankers’ and contractors, within the marine legal system, the bar gang, forcefully advanced, over the common laws. [without; the people/s consent,] we were forced into, the “corporate legal system” under the jurisdiction of, “maritime legalize jargon.
Fortunately, common law, the peoples’ law, is being understood by the people, as we move forward, away from a corporate contract banking system, that “protects” them.
i portray/expose this, as it pertains to a corporate document/s, issued to strawmen person/s, with the name/s in all capital letters.
We the people; are living souls, exposing the deception.
Persons are inanimate; they follow the piper.
I also got sidestepped into controlled opposition talk. End of the day, politicians have their game and this is OUR lives. I did attempt to tell my mom before her two shots, and my sister’s and her newborns vaccine injury. I tried so hard. But, in my failure I learn in my strength. God bless those in my shoes, who tried and failed against the brainwashing of government. We did our best but we can’t keep quiet. Keep up the great work, David! This is becoming intense. Carrie Madej nearly lost her life in a bizarre plane accident. Keep our heads on, eh?!
Thank you,
Well said! I agree there are a lot of distractions. Bottom line, this is Domestic Terrorism and Murder!
I look forward to the day that the perpetrators are arrested and executed.
Did you see this
I’m hoping to connect with a community of like-minded individuals in or around Perth ON.
Any help would be appreciated
Really good, honest, viewpoint on this latest video. You are right on about all of the distractions that are pushed upon us where people are chasing the white rabbit and missing the correct focus, which you have correctly stated is the ongoing, unaccountable genocide! Take the major murdering action and expose that however, and wherever, we can! Lots of people are aware of the evil effects, but have a difficult time showing it to others. Email is my favourite method if the links are clearly visible! The Awake team is awoke and ready to poke. Snowball effect is very effective.
Thank you so much for what you are doing. I agree %100 with everything that you are saying. You are well informed about everything that is going on. I knew that something was really off in the world since March 2020. Nothing felt right, nothing made sense. It has been like a surrealistic nightmare. I have supported other groups as well since I discovered their existence: Action4Canada, Free2Fly, Rebel News. I attended many rallies in Vancouver and observed so much manipulation and lies from the media. I send emails with any information to anyone who may read them. I moved my youngest son to Mexico to escape Vancouver and the Totalitarian government that was forming. The govt was about to sneak vaccines into children and that’s where I drew the line. Get him out of Canada. He was being bullied and physically attacked at school and the heads of school were not really doing Anything about it. I was beginning to suffer from inescapable depression and my health started to deteriorate. Now, I’ve lost one uncle to the vaccine and 1 aunt is dying from the vaccine. I’m hearing about so any vaccine injuries and deaths : this is genocide.
I had to stop financially supporting groups however, because I feared that my bank account would get frozen. When I return I’d like to support your group and Action4Canada but with cash, not online.
You and these groups are a huge inspiration for those of us who understand what is happening. You are correct, we will win!
We also take untraceable crypto.