The Great Covid deception. Important information for evveryone, especially doctors who remain enslaved to the agenda.

Here is an honest uncensored expert conversation regarding the crimes, injuries, deaths, and corruption of covid, plus needed solutions to restore our health, society, and children’s futures. Please especially share this with doctors and nurses; we are offering an olive bracnh and seeking to unite all good people, armed with the truth, to stand against the criminal covid enterprise. Choose freedom and self respect. Reject slavery.  

On Saturday October 28 2023 in Whitby Ontario please join Dr Makis, Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson, myself and many of Canada’s noblest doctors, scientists and leaders who have held the line against the covid-crimes-against-humanity, and continue the fight while delivering  truth and solutions to you.

Click Image for Ticket Details

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The post Doctors Makis, Trozzi and Amerling with Laura Lynn TT first appeared on Dr Mark Trozzi.

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